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ACACIA - de.robingrether.idisguise.disguise.BoatDisguise.BoatType
addCustomCommandArgument(String) - Method in enum de.robingrether.idisguise.disguise.DisguiseType
Adds another custom command argument.
This command argument will NOT be shown when /disguise help is executed.
AgeableDisguise - Class in de.robingrether.idisguise.disguise
Represents a disguise that can be both an adult or a baby.
AgeableDisguise(DisguiseType) - Constructor for class de.robingrether.idisguise.disguise.AgeableDisguise
Create an instance.
AgeableDisguise(DisguiseType, boolean) - Constructor for class de.robingrether.idisguise.disguise.AgeableDisguise
Create an instance.
AMBIENT - de.robingrether.idisguise.management.Sounds.SoundEffectType
ANGRY - de.robingrether.idisguise.disguise.WolfDisguise.State
ANGRY - de.robingrether.idisguise.management.Sounds.SoundEffectType
applySubtype(Disguise, String) - Static method in class de.robingrether.idisguise.disguise.Subtypes
Applies a subtype to a given disguise based on the given argument.
AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD - de.robingrether.idisguise.disguise.DisguiseType
AreaEffectCloudDisguise - Class in de.robingrether.idisguise.disguise
Represents a disguise as an area effect cloud.
AreaEffectCloudDisguise() - Constructor for class de.robingrether.idisguise.disguise.AreaEffectCloudDisguise
Creates an instance.
The defaults are: radius 0.5, Color.GRAY, Particle.SPELL_MOB.
AreaEffectCloudDisguise(float, Color, Particle) - Constructor for class de.robingrether.idisguise.disguise.AreaEffectCloudDisguise
Creates an instance.
ARMOR_STAND - de.robingrether.idisguise.disguise.DisguiseType
ArmorStandDisguise - Class in de.robingrether.idisguise.disguise
Represents a disguise as an armor stand.
ArmorStandDisguise() - Constructor for class de.robingrether.idisguise.disguise.ArmorStandDisguise
Creates an instance.
ArmorStandDisguise(boolean) - Constructor for class de.robingrether.idisguise.disguise.ArmorStandDisguise
Creates an instance.