Basic information
This plugin enables you to turn into almost every entity that exists in Minecraft.
More information can be found in the new iDisguise WIKI.
Source code and repository
The source code is available over here:
This work (includes both source code and compiled jar files) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. The license text can be found here:
Snapshot files
WARNING: Files that are not explicitly marked as (release) are untested snapshot files. Use them at your own risk!
Recoded plugin:
6.0.1-SNAPSHOT #2 (add statements, restrict non-working disguise types)
6.0.1-SNAPSHOT #1 (complete recode, many features dropped for time being)
Legacy plugin:
5.8.2 (release)
5.8.2-SNAPSHOT #3 (fix player disguise in 1.8, release candidate)
5.8.2-SNAPSHOT #2 (fix auto-update incompatibility with Java 9+, update bStats metrics, fix multi world issues)
5.8.2-SNAPSHOT #1 (fix player disguise skin overlays)
5.8.1 (release)
5.8.1-SNAPSHOT #60 (fix scoreboard interference, release candidate)
5.8.1-SNAPSHOT #59 (fix area effect cloud redstone particle)
5.8.1-SNAPSHOT #58 (fix velocity via ProtocolLib)
5.8.1-SNAPSHOT #57 (fix fish disguise, fix metadata and velocity packets, properly use ProtocolLib)
5.8.1-SNAPSHOT #55 (hook into ProtocolLib, fix player disguise via BungeeCord)
5.8.1-SNAPSHOT #52 (disable disguise view self by default, tweak a few chat messages)
5.8.1-SNAPSHOT #51 (improve target selection and command completion)
5.8.1-SNAPSHOT #50 (not working)
5.8.1-SNAPSHOT #49 (improve sheep and item disguise subtypes, improve help message)
5.8.1-SNAPSHOT #48 (fix issue with ProtocolLib)
5.8.1-SNAPSHOT #47 (update MHF skins, reintroduce ‘\s’ to support spaces in custom names, improve disguise status message)
5.8.1-SNAPSHOT #46 (improve scoreboard hooks)
5.8.1-SNAPSHOT #44 (fix command argument order)
5.8.1-SNAPSHOT #43 (improve area effect cloud disguise, correct logging levels)
5.8.1-SNAPSHOT #42 (rework subtypes)
5.8.1-SNAPSHOT #37 (drop support for a few outdated versions -> only 1.8.8, 1.9.4, 1.10.x, 1.11.x, 1.12.x, 1.13.1 are supported as of now, remove old Metrics class, reintroduce scoreboard hooks)
5.8.1-SNAPSHOT #36 (basic 1.13.1 support)
5.8.1-SNAPSHOT #35 (not working)
5.8.1-SNAPSHOT #34 (fix scoreboard team packet)
5.8.1-SNAPSHOT #33 (fix players invisible after disguising)
5.8.1-SNAPSHOT #32 (reintroduce original name tag)
5.8.1-SNAPSHOT #31 (improve language file, rework invalid materials, fix null player name)
5.8.1-SNAPSHOT #29 (async packet editing via a Netty ChannelDuplexHandler, not working)
5.8.1-SNAPSHOT #28 (not working)
5.8.1-SNAPSHOT #27 (not working)
5.8.1-SNAPSHOT #26 (not working)
5.8.1-SNAPSHOT #24 (improve/rework help message)
5.8.1-SNAPSHOT #18 (add vanilla target selector)
5.8.1-SNAPSHOT #13 (fix area effect cloud disguise)
5.8.1-SNAPSHOT #9 (advanced 1.13 support, sounds updated)
5.8.1-SNAPSHOT #8 (advanced 1.13 support, “new” disguise types added, for now without realistic sounds)
5.8.1-SNAPSHOT #6 (advanced 1.13 support, “old” disguise types work properly)
5.8.1-SNAPSHOT #4 (basic 1.13 support)
5.7.4-SNAPSHOT #15 (fix tab completion)
5.7.4-SNAPSHOT #12 (disguise view self, fix death message)
5.7.4-SNAPSHOT #11 (not working)
5.7.4-SNAPSHOT #10 (not working)
5.7.4-SNAPSHOT #8 (not working)
5.7.4-SNAPSHOT #7 (not working)
5.7.4-SNAPSHOT #2 (not working)
5.7.4-SNAPSHOT #1 (fix memory leak)
5.7.3 (release)
5.7.3-SNAPSHOT #8 (fix update check, release candidate)
5.7.3-SNAPSHOT #6 (fix entity player list entry)
5.7.3-SNAPSHOT #3 (entity disguise fixed)
5.7.2 (release)
5.7.2-SNAPSHOT #6 (client crashes fixed, release candidate)
5.7.2-SNAPSHOT #1 (few minor bug fixes)
5.7.1 (release)
5.7.1-SNAPSHOT #34 (release candidate)
5.7.1-SNAPSHOT #33 (subtype improvements)
5.7.1-SNAPSHOT #32 (falling block, item stack, boat disguise improvements)
5.7.1-SNAPSHOT #30 (add ColoredTags hook to fix interference)
5.7.1-SNAPSHOT #28 (add NametagEdit hook to fix interference)
5.7.1-SNAPSHOT #25 (improved undisguising)
5.7.1-SNAPSHOT #23 (spaces in player display names)
5.7.1-SNAPSHOT #22 (disguise type aliases)
5.7.1-SNAPSHOT #20 (sitting mob disguises)
5.7.1-SNAPSHOT #19 (area effect cloud disguise)
5.7.1-SNAPSHOT #13 (fix bungee cord player disguise)
5.7.1-SNAPSHOT #11 (player sounds)
5.7.1-SNAPSHOT #9 (step sounds)
5.7.1-SNAPSHOT #8 (a few bug fixes, and API update)
5.7.1-SNAPSHOT #7 (update 1.8 sounds)
5.7.1-SNAPSHOT #6 (all versions)
5.7.1-SNAPSHOT #5 (living entities can be disguised, new command syntax, version 1.12 and 1.11 only)
5.7.1-SNAPSHOT #4 (living entities can be disguised, command only works partially, version 1.12 and 1.11 only)
5.7.1-SNAPSHOT #3 (not working)
5.7.1-SNAPSHOT #2 (living entities can be disguised, working player disguise, no commands available, version 1.12 only)
5.7.1-SNAPSHOT #1 (living entities can be disguised, however player disguise disconnects clients, no commands available, version 1.12 only)
5.6.4 (release)
5.6.4-SNAPSHOT #21 (release candidate)
5.6.4-SNAPSHOT #20 (debug mode)
5.6.4-SNAPSHOT #19 (enchanted item disguise, warning message)
5.6.4-SNAPSHOT #18 (debug mode)
5.6.4-SNAPSHOT #17 (fix llama disguise)
5.6.4-SNAPSHOT #16 (add custom name permissions)
5.6.4-SNAPSHOT #15 (fix server crash, internal rearrangements)
5.6.4-SNAPSHOT #14 (debug mode)
5.6.4-SNAPSHOT #13 (fix game profile loading)
5.6.4-SNAPSHOT #8 (disguise see-through complete)
5.6.4-SNAPSHOT #7 (disguise see-through partial)
5.6.4-SNAPSHOT #6 (fix scoreboard problems)
5.6.4-SNAPSHOT #5 (fix scoreboard problems, debug mode)
5.6.4-SNAPSHOT #4 (fix server main thread lag)
5.6.4-SNAPSHOT #3 (add player disguise display name permission)
5.6.4-SNAPSHOT #2 (add material type permissions)
5.6.4-SNAPSHOT #1 (fix offline server error)
5.6.3 (release)
5.6.3-SNAPSHOT #21 (debug mode)
5.6.3-SNAPSHOT #20 (release candidate, full 1.12 support)
5.6.3-SNAPSHOT #19 (full 1.12 support)
5.6.3-SNAPSHOT #14 (basic 1.12 support)
5.6.3-SNAPSHOT #5 (unstable)
5.6.1 (release)